1,351 bikes received thanks to the ABC15 2nd Chance Bike Drive!
Over 1,300 bikes were collected for the ABC15 2nd Chance Bike Drive in partnership with Earnhardt Auto Centers, benefiting St. Vincent de Paul. This was the result of dedication, generosity, and a shared belief in the power of a single bike.
Our partners and community stepped forward, understanding that a bike can mean the difference between unemployment and employment, attending school or staying home, retrieving groceries or going hungry, accessing vital health care or going without treatment.

"We are very grateful for the incredible support that made this year's 2nd Chance Bike Drive a success," said Shannon Clancy, SVdP's Rob & Melani Walton Endowed CEO. "This collective effort truly reflects the heart of our community and shows how something as simple as a bike can transform lives and bring people together."
St. Vincent de Paul is deeply grateful for the success of this year's 2nd Chance Bike Drive. It took the generosity of people from across the Valley to make this bike drive total possible, ensuring that SVdP shelter residents and guests in need of a bike, have reliable and affordable transportation to help them peddle forward to a brighter future.
2024 Exceptional Community Partner Donations
Special thanks to our group of amazing community partners and organizations who donated generously both monetarily and with physical bikes. Their support is set to change the lives of our community members in need or reliable transportation.
Scroll below to watch the inspiring moments of their check presentations and bike donations shared on ABC15 and with the community.
M3F Fest
$5,000 donation to the 2nd Chance Bike Drive
Lectric eBikes
10 electric bikes worth $6,000
Global Bikes
56 bikes collected
Global Bikes held their own one-day bike drive challenge in support of the ABC15 2nd Chance Bike Drive!