Help "Feed the Valley" with our drive this holiday season
In a year where the high cost of living continues to weight heavily, many of our neighbors are struggling more than ever to meet even their most basic needs.
Aside from the Valley being full of food deserts, which leave many residents more than a mile away from fresh, nutritious food, more than 900,000 Arizonans also deal with food insecurity, meaning they lack reliable access to enough food to sustain their families.
To make a difference this holiday season, Albertsons and Safeway have joined forces with FOX 10 Phoenix to continue the Feed the Valley drive benefitting St. Vincent de Paul, which helps Arizona families facing food insecurity this holiday season. All donations help SVdP get holiday meals and food to families in need.
This year’s campaign against hunger kicked off on Nov. 1 along with media partner FOX 10. Thanks to FOX 10, the drive will continue to run through the end of December. Thanks to the support of our partners, Feed the Valley is expected to feed over one million people in need. Every donation supports St. Vincent de Paul's mission to ensure families can enjoy a nourishing meal this holiday season.
How to donate this December:
- Make a monetary donation at the register of your local Safeway and Albertsons all month long.
- Give online any time at stvincentdepaul.net/give/campaigns/feed-valley