How to Make Care Packages for People in Need
If you would like to help the homeless you see out in the streets, but don't know exactly how to go about it, here is a handy list for you. We talked to Ministry to the Homeless Coordinator Janie Perdue and Ozanam Manor, our 49-bed bridge shelter, Director Mike Bell about what people can include in a care package they put together at home to give out to homeless individuals in their community.
Here are the 10 most recommended items:
1. Referral to services (At St. Vincent de Paul, we have business cards with our information on them. The community is welcome to ask us for them at no cost)
2. Deodorant
3. Quarters (not bills) to use at Laundromats
4. Notebook, with a calendar if possible
5. Small first aid kit, with band aids and gauze
6. Flashlight
7. Travel-size shampoo
8. Hand wipes
9. A pair of socks
10. Small hair comb