The latest Vincentian Connection issue is here!
As readers flip through St. Vincent de Paul's latest Vincentian Connection, faces from different backgrounds fill its pages, showcasing the beauty of a mission that has a place for everyone to join and help.
The spring 2022 issue, which came out April 29, asks volunteers to return and find their place again at SVdP after years of pandemic response wanes.
"This issue is one giant invitation," said Marisol Saldivar, who serves as the magazine's editor and is the public relations and brand manager for SVdP. "We are beyond excited and ready to welcome volunteers back on site and hope that stories from peers will inspire not only your confidence in returning but ignite your service heart. There is so much joy here that awaits people who find fulfillment and meaning in helping others."
In addition to the strong volunteer theme throughout, the issue also reports on the SVdP clinic partnership with Creighton University after a year of work together thanks to funding from Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust. As expected, the partners are already seeing great progress. Readers will also find some powerful profile stories about people who have felt deep lows (a family searching for a safe home after suffering a tragic loss) and those experiencing new heights (a former One At A Time scholar who now serves in the Arizona State House of Representatives).
The full spring 2021 issue of Vincentian Connection is available in print on campus and online.
Inside the issue:
- Renewing our servant heart: 3 stories of returning volunteers
- One year later through student eyes: A field report on the SVdP and Creighton clinic partnership
- SVdP’s wrap around services give Diana and her family a safe space to recover
- From SVdP scholarship to the Arizona State House of Representatives
- New Companion Animal Program offers hope for Renee Acejo and her dog Brownie
- Briefs on Steve Zabilski celebrating 25 years at SVdP, a big steak dinner, the Dream Center's 10-year anniversary and a Super Bowl to remember
- A Thousand Thanks to individuals and organizations that helped since the last issue