Planting something new to remember a loved one lost
Just as the sun was peeking over the horizon on the day before Valentine’s Day, award-winning journalist Patricio Espinoza hauled out a box of empty plant pots, another filled with acrylic paints and paintbrushes, and carried them into St. Vincent de Paul’s Rob and Melani Walton Urban Farm.
It was almost exactly the ten-year anniversary of the passing of his wife, Bernessa, and he had decided to remember her by combining two of her favorite pastimes, painting and gardening. His plan was to a paint few pots, pot plants in them, and donate them to SVdP.

Patricio describes Bernessa as a bright, energetic woman who loved her community and expressed herself with her actions, whether it be advocating for the community, painting, or gardening.
“When she met me, I was very black and white,” he said. “When she was done with me, 20 years later, I was full of color, and I loved it. And I absorbed it. And I learned.”

The two were married for more than 20 years when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Bernessa tragically passed away not long after her diagnosis, or as Patricio puts it, “she became my angel.” Since then, he has tried to do something each year to honor her memory and her impact in his life.
A week earlier, Patricio was visiting the farm, and Bernessa was on his mind. His eyes landed on a large frame that supports dozens of potted plants and in that instant, a wave of memory rushed over him — Bernessa, her hands speckled with paint, joyfully painting pots, an activity she had always loved.
“The sun was hitting the pots, and then I immediately got this feeling of joy, and I could see Bernessa making something like that. I left with that really happy feeling. And then as the [anniversary of her passing] approached, I was like, What can I do? And then it came to me: I can go paint the pots.”

He collected some pots and art supplies in Bernessa’s old toolbox he has kept after all these years, and painted the pots with his own style inspired by Bernessa, using a loose hand and overlapping bold colors. He hung the pots on the urban farm’s wall of potted plants, all of which hold herbs and other plants that are used in SVdP’s Central Kitchen or given directly to families in need.

“Doing this for St. Vincent de Paul, such a great place that is meant to help others — That was a no-brainer,” he said.
Now, Patricio’s tribute to Bernessa rests in SVdP’s Rob and Melani Walton Urban Farm, not just bringing color to SVdP’s campus, but by growing a little potful of love every season.