The Hope Lens Makeovers at Ozanam Manor Hair cuts and dye jobs help shelter residents feel more confident Read article
The Hope Lens Gourd vibes and pumpkin spice joy Scroll through snapshots of carved pumpkins created by the kiddos of the Family Dining Room Read article
The Hope Lens Cycling for sustainability A local Eagle Scout gave SVdP a special desk that generates electricity from exercise! Read article
The Hope Lens Easter excitement for all at St. Vincent de Paul Many smiles were forged at our annual Easter Basket Distribution Read article
The Hope Lens Stickers of Love The Dream Center kids get "creative" with Valentine's Day bags Read article
The Hope Lens Love is cutting a man's steak When a guest was having trouble with his food, a volunteer stepped in as a small act of love Read article
The Hope Lens Ladling out love and dignity How kitchen staff like Mike make holidays special every year Read article
The Hope Lens Devotion and love in the Vincentian heart A special group of volunteers across the state make a difference every single week Read article
The Hope Lens Healing body and soul In a quiet moment, a shelter resident shows how SVdP heals spirits as much as it heals ives Read article
The Hope Lens Once family, always family A big embrace after a long time apart shows the care of a staffer for the families she serves Read article