Serve and support residents at the Washington Street Shelter

What's it all about?
The number of those experiencing homelessness continues to rise, and there are not enough shelters in our community. In the last five years, the number of unsheltered individuals in Maricopa County has tripled. Everyday, we have the opportunity to save 260 lives from the dangers of the streets. The Washington Street Shelter is a program serving unsheltered homeless individuals through intensive engagement, shelter, and services all oriented toward resolving homelessness and integrating people into a community. The shelter provides wrap-around services with intense care and outcome focused case management for 260 individuals with a driven desire to end their homelessness and obtain housing.
Complete our volunteer interest form, and we'll contact you to match you with a great volunteer opportunity.
RegisterWhat to expect
Age Requirements
- Individuals 18+
Duties for meal services at the Washington Street Shelter
- Setting up the dining room
- Handing out pre-plated meals
- Preparing and distributing drinks
- Engaging with residents
- Cleaning up
Duties for clothing closet at the Washington Street Shelter
- Sorting through donations
- Taking inventory
- Folding clothes
- Stacking shelves
- Cleaning the closet
- And other duties as assigned
Next Steps
Click the button to register, complete the volunteer interest form and one of our volunteer schedulers will reach out within two business days to coordinate a date and time. They'll also share parking instructions, clothing suggestions and other details for your volunteer experience!
Special Projects, Social Engagement, and Instructor:
- Take advantage of your unique talents and give back to those in need in a way that fits your schedule.
- Social engagement opportunities with residents include helping facilitate activities such as game nights, dessert socials, or bingo.
- Facilitate workshops and classes such as yoga, painting, and resume building classes.
Locations and times
When you schedule a Meal Service shift listed below you are required to stay for the duration of the time listed.
Washington Street Shelter
Complete our volunteer interest form, and we'll contact you to match you with a great volunteer opportunity.